What would probably kill me first

I am not going to make a detailed narrative on the research that I conducted on line to see what could possibly paralyze, maim, exsanguinate, eat,  murder, incapacitate, send me a one way ticket to discover if indeed, there is life after death. Apparently, Australia has a lot of creatures lurking around both on land and  at sea waiting to murder any unsuspecting creature.

I  figured out that while I am here, I might start knowing  how Australians normally do things. Carrying a swiss knife is illegal unless you have legit reasons like going to camping/ fishing/ doing any activity that could justify carrying one. Generally speaking, they are very laid back and relaxed. The most interesting fact that I have known so far is this: I could assault anyone with my fart!

Here's the link to that: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/australian-man-loses-bullying-by-breaking-wind-court-case_n_5c9e365ce4b0bc0daca76cf1

Though the guy apparently lost his case on court, I do not really want to be that person who gets sued for doing trivial things in life like farting or belching and be accused of bullying. Knowing about this is- entertaining- and, interesting but also educational.

This is the picture of the creek located just beside the street I love to walk on early in the morning or late afternoon. I almost always burst laughing whenever I walk over here.It went like this:

When it started pouring down in our first week, everyone in the house gets to discuss all those weird creatures that get out of their habitats like, crocs, gators, snakes, spiders. Our land lady mentioned that there was an incident before where a croc or a gator was spotted in a creek near our house and, well, it freaked my housemate. Then, she asked me pointedly- are you scared of going on walks on that area? The mischievous side of me answered: No. In fact, I am looking forward to meeting one because I would anticipate that they would not normally show themselves during the day so, I wanted really a chance encounter with them. In fact, whenever we go to school and walk by that creek, I am so obsessed on locating that snout/eye combination, I often wanted to skip class!  I wanted to discover if indeed, crocs and gators can really move as fast as the ones I watch on TV! I also added the part that I do prefer to wear boots even when its so hot and humid because, we might encounter some snake or anything that might paralyze, incapacitate, torture and eventually murder us.I thought that she would just laugh it off but, she blanched .

It took me quite awhile to apologize because I thought that she knew I was fooling around. Apparently, she thought I was dead serious. On one side, I did find it amusing to see her walking cautiously and glancing more times than she wanted to at the creek . But, the more "mature" part of me felt sorry for probably scaring her.Yes. I apologized. I have to assure her. I did not mention that since its a creek, there might be a possibility of one getting washed up over  or who knows, probably some crazy human out there might suddenly dump their pets over there....the possibilities are actually endless but, at that point, I just want her to get over her fears.

Yeah. Interesting things to see and hear but,  if I wanted to survive away from my family and, probably prevent anyone or anything from killing me first,  I do need to have my very own sense of humour.  In this case, at the expense of others- though I never really intended them to.

I cannot say that life here was very unpleasant or dreary. In fact, I am having fun in school especially in residential class. Let's just say, I am honeymooning  at this stage in my life in Cairns and, I love everything. I love the fact that there are a lot of Oriental shops to eat from. That, I can continue drinking my tea the way I wanted it to- gong fu cha style or gaiwan style. That, I have supportive friends. That, I can be who I wanted to be. Life is beautiful. Life is very laid back and relaxed and, I feel that I am still on vacation because at this point, I haven't really discovered that what could probably kill me is just some trivial thing related to my studies......


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